Sunday, November 12, 2006

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Woody's News Roundup (01/11/06)

Disney have created a Cars DVD website. It uses the same template as the main movie website it seems.

Some of the new features include...
  • All the wallpapers have been branded with a picture of the Cars DVD.
  • An 'About the DVD' section with descriptions of some of the special features
  • New games to come including, 'Ramone's House of Body Art', 'Tractor Tippin'' and 'Desert Dash'
  • Branding of animated signatures with Cars DVD release date

Be sure to check it out here.

Thanks to James for the heads up!

The next piece of news is cover art for the 2 disc Walmart exclusive Cars DVD.

Thanks to Cory and Tashina for that piece of news.

And finally, The Tech Chronicles at reports that
Pixar hosted a group of journalists Monday at its Emeryville headquarters, offering a peek into the making of its latest film "Cars," which will be released on DVD next week.
You can listen to the 8:45 min podcast of their interview here (Warning: 7.39mb).

UPDATE: One last thing. Victor Navone posts over at this blog, this image...

The image is courtesy of Tom Nixon according to Navone. Happy Halloween to everyone in the US!

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Cars 2-Disc DVD a Probably?

UPDATE: Video Business talks about why the there are so few extras on the Cars DVD, Cars on Blu-Ray and how there aren't any immediate plans for another DVD. Be sure to have a read.

Also, the Cars Widescreen edition DVD is currently the No. 1 DVD selling on, with POTC:DMC coming in at second and the Cars Fullscreen edition coming in at 3rd!

Today I decided to ring Buena Vista Home Entertainment, the distributor of the Cars DVD, to see if I could find out if BVHE had any plans to release a 2-Disc Cars DVD.

I just got off the phone to a representative of BVHE in Melbourne over here in Australia. She said there is currently only the 1-Disc but there probably will be a 2-disc.

No time given to when we get one but at least there is hope that we will get a 2-Disc. I am placing my money on one around the release of Ratatouille like others have theorised. If anyone from Disney or Buena Vista Home Entertainment is reading this and has a comment, feel free to email me at and I will post up what you have to say.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006


"What do you get when you mix a crazy cavity causing holiday and an animation junkie who carves vegetables when he should be animating?" That is the question that the Design Sushi blog asks us all today.

The answer is....Pixkins.

Yes these lovely Pixkins (Pixar Pumpkins) were created by J-Rod, Stansell and Mrs. J-Rod over at the Design Sushi blog. Aren't they marvelous carvings? You can see more and read about how they made them here. Be sure to check it out!

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Wall-E For Release 27 Jun 08

Everywhere seems to be reporting about it (and thanks to everyone that emailed me with the news too!), so I am sure you all know by know that Walt Disney have somewhere given out the release dates for 3 new films, including Wall-E from Pixar!

Wall-E, now with 2 l's, is set for release on June 27, 2008. No surprises there. Animated News tells us that it will be directed by Andrew Stanton. Is this fact or someone taking their best guess? If any of you have a source to confirm or deny this, please send it in as it would be greatly appreciated!

UPDATE: I have just had a brain wave. According to some of my sources, In one of the commentaries on a Simpsons episode on one of their DVD's, David Silverman (Director of The Simpsons Movie, Co-Director of Monster's Inc) asked Jim Reardon (Director of The Simpsons):

David Silverman: You can't reveal what your working on, can you?

Jim: Well, as long as nobody's listening...

David: Just tell us, no one else will hear...

Uh, 2008. And that's all I can say...

So, Is Jim our director of Wall-E and not Andrew Stanton?

Animated News, also tells of a rumour that it will be about a robot.

So that is the latest on Wall-E.

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The Iron Giant on TCM

Animated News reports that Turner Classic Movies will be showing Brad Bird's first animated feature film, The Iron Giant this Sunday, November 12.

TCM says this on the film...
A box-office failure at the time of release, The Iron Giant (1999) was nevertheless recognized by animation fans and professionals as one of the best films to come out of the "animation boom" of the 1990s, and deserving of space on the list of classic cartoon features from any era. Within a few years of release, general audiences discovered the film as well, embracing its well-told, simple story, its heart and its timeless quality.
You can read more on The Iron Giant and how it has become more recognized in recent years.

If you haven't seen The Iron Giant yet, watch it! It is up there in my top 10 animated films of all time.

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Cars DVD Roundup + Video Games

I have rounded up a pile of articles, reports and reviews on the Cars DVD, a lot of which also talk about a trip to Pixar where John Lasseter talked to the reporters about Cars.

And that's that.

Also, according to and various other sources, THQ's Heavy Iron Studios will be developing a game based on Ratatouille. The game will make it onto 11 different platforms.
All we know about the game is that it will put you in the tiny rodent shoes of Remy as he relives various key moments from the film due to land next summer. THQ told us, "...players will instantly recognize the storyline, characters and key locations of Ratatouille, as they engage in a series of unique mini-games, cooking challenges and head-to-head multiplayer. Ratatouille will allow players to create culinary masterpieces, evade detection from dangerous and often hungry enemies, and brave the perils of the dinner-rush in this senses-shattering journey to fulfil Remy's life-long dream of becoming a great chef".
says the article. The game will scamper onto shevles around the release of the film next year.

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Ratatouille One Sheet

(Via AICN)

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Cars DVD Review (Potential Spoilers)

Today I picked up a copy of the R4 Cars single disc DVD from Blockbuster. As you may be aware, the Australian and the New Zealand release date for the Cars DVD was October 25, whereas the R1 DVD release date is November 7.

Now to the DVD...

Upon insert DVD opens with the Ratatouille teaser trailer. Then the normal menu screen which can be viewed here (SPOILER). However on the R4 release of the DVD there is no Sneak Peek menu with previews of Peter Pan or Disney Blu Ray etc. You can view the Disney Blu Ray video here (SPOILERS). All the other menu's are the same. I think maybe the main menu could have been better but other than that, the others are fine. Maybe Disney are holding off to make really cool menus for the 2 disc.
(SPOILER) Highlight to read: Watch out for the easter egg on the main menu!
7/10 for the Menus.

The cover and the disc are pretty much the same everywhere I think. They both can be seen here and here (SPOILERS). I really hope Disney has something good in store for when the day comes that they release a 2 disc edition of Cars as I for one, am not very happy with the effort the put in. 5/10.

The movie itself plays beautifully and top marks for that. I haven't watched the main feature yet (will tomorrow), but skipping through it, it looks sweet! Can't wait for the day that we get to watch it in HD and see all its tiny little details in super quality. The audio quality seems fine. No problems there. I will hopefully watch it in 5.1 surround sound soon and will edit this post to let you know how it is. For now, 10/10.

Now on the short films....

Mater and the Ghost Light was absolutely fantastic! You are all in for a treat. I take my hat off to John Lasseter and the rest of the gang as this is short is up there in my favourite short films list. The storyline was great and the shots they used when cutting together was really cool. 10/10.

As for One Man Band, I am very glad that I have had the chance to see it again as it is very cool! A job well done on the behalf of Andy Jiminez and Mark Andrews. I can't wait for the chance to listen to this in 5.1 surround sound as it is definitely made for this kind of experience. 10/10.

Now as for the epilogue. In case you aren't aware. It is bit of video that played during the credits of the film, except, THERE ARE NO CREDITS! YAY! I loved this part of the movie. Especially the part with the references to John Ratzenberger in all the other Pixar films.

The Inspiration for Cars video was great. It shows sections of the video Pixar made while touring Route 66 and shows some of the insight into the inspiration of Cars. It also shows Joe Ranft and we even get to see John Lasseter’s father! Definitely a worth a view. Seeing more of the video from Pixar’s trip on Route 66 would be an awesome feature for a 2 disc edition of Cars.

The last bonus features were the deleted scenes. They were pretty good. Also worth a view.

Overall for the bonus features I will give them an 8/10. I can't wait for the day a 2-disc edition is released and we will get to see all the TV spots, World Premiere videos, gallery's etc.

For the entire DVD, I give a score of 7.5/10. I am not impressed that we only received a 1 disc edition DVD. But for the moment it will do. I hope Disney releases a 2-disc edition DVD in the not too distant future. And that's all for me. In my personal opinion, I would recommend renting the DVD to see the special features, and buying the film off the iTunes Store to watch the movie and hold out for the 2 disc. However, if you can't wait and don't want to do any of the above in fear that Disney will not release a 2 disc in the not so distant future, go for it and buy it!

The Cars is released on Nov 7 in the US and Nov 27 in the UK. Go Pixar!

UPDATE: Read Route 66 News' review of the DVD here.

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean suscipit lectus in ipsum. Nam sed lacus. Quisque tortor nibh, auctor sed, imperdiet id, ornare nec, risus. Donec iaculis lorem ut nulla. Suspendisse fermentum volutpat velit. In id ligula. Cras dapibus ligula a leo. Vivamus faucibus. Quisque at quam. Nam sagittis rhoncus dolor. Donec posuere. Cras tortor eros, lobortis at, varius sit amet, viverra tristique, lectus. Vivamus sit amet urna tempus felis laoreet condimentum. Sed dui. Pellentesque nisi. Proin et ante eu orci facilisis blandit. Duis eleifend felis ac ipsum. Donec facilisis, turpis vitae ultrices pharetra, erat leo rutrum elit, vel lacinia augue risus in purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur id orci.

Nunc pretium, elit et ullamcorper porttitor, dui ligula facilisis enim, in dapibus dolor enim ut est. Aliquam elementum fringilla eros. Aliquam eu est. Cras vitae risus. Vivamus eros augue, vulputate sed, scelerisque vel, iaculis tincidunt, leo. Curabitur nonummy varius sem. Sed luctus, est id auctor gravida, tellus lacus tempor tellus, id lobortis magna pede sit amet massa. Donec sit amet neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras semper, justo ut placerat scelerisque, magna lacus euismod tortor, nec congue elit nisi nec ligula. Suspendisse quis magna id velit varius viverra. Nullam sed magna a massa posuere condimentum. Duis elementum purus. Vivamus in sem eu pede facilisis adipiscing. Mauris pellentesque.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris eu augue. Aenean pulvinar augue sit amet erat. Pellentesque purus augue, porttitor vel, elementum dictum, sollicitudin at, libero. Donec magna velit, semper sit amet, nonummy id, ullamcorper sed, sapien. Vestibulum urna magna, consectetuer nec, adipiscing eu, varius ut, sapien. Maecenas condimentum tellus vel lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Morbi nibh sem, fermentum non, pharetra ac, tristique et, tortor. Vivamus lacinia, enim nec pulvinar vehicula, magna velit vehicula dolor, sit amet congue turpis massa non odio. Phasellus eleifend, libero id lobortis porttitor, orci felis porttitor neque, sit amet eleifend diam quam ut ante. Sed id lectus sed purus dapibus rutrum. Phasellus ac felis. Integer venenatis, quam eget luctus molestie, urna libero congue mauris, lobortis feugiat lorem dui quis dolor. Nullam augue lectus, varius id, semper vel, ullamcorper non, mi. Quisque ac neque.

Cras eleifend turpis in pede. In fermentum nisl nec risus mollis consequat. Proin tempus, eros at vestibulum semper, massa lectus iaculis lorem, sit amet ultricies odio justo suscipit sem. Aenean in augue sed est luctus hendrerit. Nam a sem quis augue semper posuere. Curabitur nonummy euismod elit. Fusce lacinia nunc a ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Mauris nisl ipsum, molestie ac, tempus et, euismod at, magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus imperdiet tristique nisi. Morbi aliquam nibh non arcu. Nam mollis enim eu massa.

Pellentesque faucibus ipsum et augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce nec pede et nisi malesuada consectetuer. Sed hendrerit, felis in viverra porta, sapien metus scelerisque mauris, eget ornare risus urna a ante. Nulla pellentesque nibh sit amet dolor. Proin diam purus, imperdiet vel, congue in, ullamcorper ut, odio. Nam iaculis velit id risus. In dignissim turpis a purus. Mauris libero nisl, consequat eleifend, scelerisque at, tempor non, lacus. In gravida ante ut nisl. Curabitur risus velit, consequat quis, fringilla vitae, feugiat vel, velit. Aenean et turpis sed ante rhoncus consequat. Vestibulum lobortis lacus quis elit.



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